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Globalizer links parts of contexts to other parts by refencing them with ‘@@’ before the object path


we have children:

    children: [
            name: 'Samuel',
            favorite_toy: 'Mindstorms'
            name: 'Tim',
            favorite_toy: 'Duplo'

and we have toys:

    toys: {
        mindstorms: {
            website: ''
        duplo: {
            website: ''

globalizer offers a way to connect these two entities.

    children: [
            name: 'Samuel',
            favorite_toy: '@@toys.mindstorms'
            name: 'Tim',
            favorite_toy: '@@toys.duplo'

Now we can comfortably access website of the toy by:


Not only that, the non-technical person administering the content will be able to just pick from available options:

gif showing globalizer

Chaining globalizers

You can chain as many globalizers as you want. For example, you can do this:

    children: {
        samuel: {
            name: 'Samuel',
            favorite_toy: ''
        tim: {
            name: 'Tim',
            favorite_toy: ''
    toys: {
        mindstorms: {
            website: '',
            store: '@@global.shops.toyrus'
        duplo: {
            website: ''
    shops: {
        toyrus: {
            has_parking: true

Now you can find out if the store where Samuel’s favorite toy is sold has parking by:


Shallow globalizer

To circumvent having a circular globalizer you can use special shallow globalizer using !@ prefix. This will not go deeper than the first link.


One current limitation is that you can’t make deep circular links

    toys: {
        mindstorms: {
            website: '',
            favorite_child: '@@global.children'
        duplo: {
            website: ''
    children: {
        samuel: {
            name: 'Samuel',
            favorite_toy: ''
        tim: {
            name: 'Tim',
            favorite_toy: ''
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Shout out to pexels and freepik